To recap a success in 2020, AllenES oversaw construction of the first new Mississippi municipal landfill in years.
The landfill is located in Marshall County, Mississippi.
To recap a success in 2020, AllenES oversaw construction of the first new Mississippi municipal landfill in years.
The landfill is located in Marshall County, Mississippi.
The American Planning Association (APA) is promoting the use of drone technology to assist local planners in gaining a better understanding of the communities and environments in which they work.
AllenES has a Licensed and Certified Drone Operator on staff to assist you with your planning needs.
To understand how drone technology can be incorporated into planning projects, visit
The Partners of Allen Engineering and Science appreciate the hard work and dedication of our engineers, scientists, construction managers, designers, planners, and administrative staff.
Job well done in 2020!
Partners include:
Front Row from Left to Right: Brad Young, CWB; Jeff Allen, P.E.; Melissa Pringle, Ph.D.; and John Ryan, P.G.
Back Row from Left to Right: Michael Hohm, P.E.; Jay Estes, ACIP; John Bourgeois, P.E.; and Andrew Covington, P.E.
We wish you and yours a safe and happy holiday season!
On behalf of a municipal client, AllenES worked with the Corps of Engineers, Vicksburg District to re-evaluate an Approved Jurisdictional Determination for multiple detention basin projects under the new Navigable Waters Protection Rule.
The re-evaluation provided $700,000 cost savings to our client. We would love to help you! Please give us a call to discuss a permitting strategy for your upcoming project or to re-evaluate a current project.
The American Planning Association (APA) has an active Hazard Mitigation and Disaster Recovery Planning Division, and AllenES is proud to be actively engaged in this Division of the APA.
Additionally, AllenES has planners on staff well versed in planning for hazard mitigation and disaster recovery.
For direct assistance in mitigation planning and disaster recovery, contact AllenES directly or for more information on APA, visit
AllenES and The Nature Conservancy recently completed construction of a box culvert structure with sluice gate.
The engineered system was designed to reconnect the Mississippi River to over 6,000 acres of bottomland hardwood forested wetlands in Wilkinson County, MS.
AllenES is a proud sponsor of the East Mississippi Foothills Land Trust (EMFLT), and our company was honored to be part of the establishment of the land trust in 2003. The land trust has the mission to conserve, promote, and protect the open spaces and green places of ecological, cultural or scenic significance in East Mississippi. Please visit the website to learn more about how to become a member or a volunteer or explore the many eco destinations in the area.
Also, check out VisitMeridian for more nature based tourism adventures, shopping and dining experiences.
Oliver Birch is a certified Commercial Drone Operator with AllenES and is using drone technology to take photos and videos and to create orthomosaic maps at a variety of sites across Mississippi. During November’s Lunch and Learn, Oliver presented how drone technology is being utilized within AllenES and adding real value to project deliverables.
NOAA, EPA and other partners released the nation’s marine litter strategy last month.
The link for the recently published booklet is