Poster Title: Beneficial Use of Dredge Materials for Marsh Habitat Creation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Presenter: Mr John Bourgeois
Abstract: The program included the assessment, planning, and design of containment berms in sensitive environments to restore coastal marsh habitat through the placement of dredge material. The projects included marsh restoration at the mouth of the Wolf River in St. Louis Bay and North Beardslee Lake near the Pascagoula River. The projects included containment berm design including stability and settlement analysis, consideration of wind/waves on the survivability of the projects, hydraulic design of weirs, erosion control design, and construction document development.
Poster Title: Creation of Living Shorelines on the Mississippi Gulf Coast
Presenter: Mr Will Pentecost
Abstract: The project included the assessment, planning, and design to improve the resilience against seaward erosion of a stretch of Front Beach in Ocean Springs, MS through a natural system of erosion control measures supplemented with engineered technology.