Jay Estes, AICP attended the Hancock County BOS Meeting on July 6, 2020 where the Embrace the Gulf Proclamation was Signed! A big thank you to the Hancock County Board of Supervisors for recognizing the importance of the Gulf of Mexico!
Category: News
Paul Lanning, RLA volunteers his time and talent to local school!
AllenES is proud of our very own, Paul Lanning for assisting with upgrades to a local school’s playground.
Paul is a Registered Landscape Architect and recently volunteered to provide his skills and experience regarding the playground project’s design, approval and installation.
We hope many young and happy children will use the new playground in the upcoming school year.
ASBPA Supports Coastal Funding in the Great American Outdoors Act
U.S. Fish and Wildlife AL Ecological Services
The AL Ecological Services Field Office of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service finalized their Embrace the Gulf 2020 Proclamation!
Patric Harper a member of the Embrace the Gulf 2020 Working Group and was instrumental in making this happen – Way to go!
AllenES’ Coastal Projects are Part of the LID Story Map Developed by MSU Gulf Coast Community Design Studio
The MSU Gulf Coast Community Design Studio has developed an interactive story map highlighting Low Impact Development projects in coastal in areas across the Gulf of Mexico. AllenES is proud to have played a role in several of these projects where bio-engineered solutions were developed to address real world challenges.
Tracy Wyman, ASLA, PLA states “It is our desire that this digital story map expand over time as a learning tool, inspiring practice and policy around Low Impact Development for the Mississippi Gulf Coast that protects our natural resources, beautifies our Cities, and provides meaningful connections between community and environment– for all of our residents and visitors.”
Rick Sumrall, P.E. Participates in Noble Community Effort
The Jackson Chapter of the Mississippi Engineering Society has been active since the first executive order regarding Covid-19 was put in place. For the last two months, in lieu of the chapter luncheon, those funds have been given to a local charity helping those experiencing added stress during this time. Additionally, the chapter has coordinated with Jackson Public Schools (JPS) to provide books for young readers. Today, members were present at 6 schools handing out books to students and their families as they collected their schoolwork and lunches. On Wednesday, another 6 schools will be served. When we’re done, over 4000 books will have been distributed. We are proud of our very own, Rick Sumrall, P.E. for participating in such an important community event this week.
AllenES Announces Brad Young as our Newest Partner
AllenES welcomes Brad Young, CWB as our newest partner! Mr. Young is a Certified Wildlife Biologist and serves as a Principal Scientist with our firm. Prior to joining AllenES, Mr. Young served as Executive Director of the Mississippi Wildlife Federation for four years and as a Field Biologist with the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks for 11 years. Mr. Young possesses a passion for conservation initiatives across the Southeast and demonstrates a comprehensive understanding and application of natural resources management policies.
APA’s National Conference will be 100% Digital
For the first time in its history, the American Planning Association’s National Conference will be 100% digital. Planners, local elected officials, and others will have the opportunity to gain new knowledge, engage in virtual networking, and experience compelling keynote speeches.
For more information, go to the APA website at https://planning.org/conference/digital/
Strengthening our Health and Safety Program in Response to Covid-19
AllenES has a robust Health and Safety Program but we recently have added several health and safety measures in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. One such measure designed to better protect our employees, subcontractors and clients, as well as the general public, was the seamless integration of protective measures into our existing Hazard Identification / Job Safety Analysis procedures. We reviewed potential exposure and transmission pathways associated with common field activities and office tasks and developed several administrative-, engineered- and PPE-based measures to eliminate/limit the potential for exposure and transmission.
MS ASEC State’s Infrastructure Report Card
Mr. Will Pentecost, P.E. with AllenES served as the Chair of the Aviation Section in the recently released State Infrastructure Report Card published by MS ASEC on April 14, 2020.